

Queue up plan and apply runs.


tfct run plan [options]


-w--workspace-name <WORKSPACE_NAME>The name of the workspace to create the run on.
-i--workspace-id <WORKSPACE_ID>The id of the workspace to create the run on.
-f--workspace-file <WORKSPACE_FILE>The file containing a list of workspace names or IDs.
-a--auto-discover-workspacesAutomatically discover workspaces given the specified filters.
-q--queue <QUEUE>Execute runs in batches with overridable limits.
--queue-max-concurrent <QUEUE_MAX_CONCURRENT>The maximum number of runs to execute concurrently.
--queue-max-iterations <QUEUE_MAX_ITERATIONS>The maximum number of times to check the status of a run before giving up.
--queue-status-check-sleep-seconds <QUEUE_STATUS_CHECK_SLEEP_SECONDS>The number of seconds to wait between checking the status of a run.
--cancel-on-timeout <CANCEL_ON_TIMEOUT>Whether to cancel the run if it reaches the configured limits [possible values: true, false].
--message <MESSAGE>A message to include with the run [default: "Run created by tfc-toolset"].
--target-addrs <TARGET_ADDRS>A list of resource addresses to target for the run.
--replace-addrs <REPLACE_ADDRS>A list of resource addresses to replace for the run.
--terraform-version <TERRAFORM_VERSION>The version of Terraform to use for this run, overriding the value from settings.
--auto-apply <AUTO_APPLY>Automatically apply the run if the plan is successful [default: false] [possible values: true, false].
--allow-empty-apply <ALLOW_EMPTY_APPLY>Apply the run even when the plan contains no changes [default: false] [possible values: true, false].
--is-destroy <IS_DESTROY>Whether this plan is a destroy plan that will destroy all provisioned resources [default: false] [possible values: true, false].
--refresh-only <REFRESH_ONLY>Whether this run should refresh the state without modifying any resources [default: false] [possible values: true, false].


Create a run on a workspace

tfct run plan --workspace-name "my-workspace"

Create a run on a multiple workspaces with a max concurrency of 2

tfct run plan --workspace-file "workspaces.json" -q --queue-max-concurrent 2