

Create a workspace.


tfct workspace create [options]


--name <NAME>The name of the workspace.
--description <DESC>A description for the workspace.
--file-triggers-enabled <FILE_TRIGGERS_ENABLED>Whether to filter runs based on the changed files in a VCS push [possible values: true, false]
--trigger-prefixes <TRIGGER_PREFIXES>A list of trigger prefixes that describe the paths Terraform Cloud monitors for changes, in addition to the working directory
--vcs-branch <VCS_BRANCH>The repository branch that Terraform will execute from
--vcs-identifier <VCS_IDENTIFIER>A reference to your VCS repository in the format :org/:repo where :org and :repo refer to the organization and repository in your VCS provider
--vcs-ingress-submodules <VCS_INGRESS_SUBMODULES>Whether to fetch submodules for a VCS repository [possible values: true, false]
--vcs-oauth-token-id <VCS_OAUTH_TOKEN_ID>The VCS Connection (OAuth Connection + Token) to use
--vcs-tags-regex <VCS_TAGS_REGEX>A regular expression used to match Git tags
--terraform-version <TERRAFORM_VERSION>The version of Terraform to use for this workspace
--execution-mode <EXECUTION_MODE>Which execution mode to use for the workspace. Valid values are remote, local, and agent
--auto-apply <AUTO_APPLY>Whether to automatically apply changes when a Terraform plan is successful [possible values: true, false]
--speculative-enabled <SPECULATIVE_ENABLED>Whether this workspace allows automatic speculative plans [possible values: true, false]
--source-url <SOURCE_URL>A URL identifying the application or client creating this workspace
--source-name <SOURCE_NAME>A friendly name for the application or client creating this workspace [default: tfc-toolset]
--queue-all-runs <QUEUE_ALL_RUNS>Whether runs should be queued immediately after workspace creation [possible values: true, false]
--allow-destroy-plan <ALLOW_DESTROY_PLAN>Whether destroy plans can be queued on this workspace [possible values: true, false]
--auto-destroy-at <AUTO_DESTROY_AT>Timestamp (in RFC3339 format) when the next scheduled destroy run will occur
--assessments-enabled <ASSESSMENTS_ENABLED>Whether or not Terraform Cloud performs health assessments for the workspace [possible values: true, false]
--global-remote-state <GLOBAL_REMOTE_STATE>Whether the workspace should allow all workspaces in the organization to access its state data during runs [possible values: true, false]
--tags-regex <TAGS_REGEX>A regular expression used to match Git tags
--trigger-patterns <TRIGGER_PATTERNS>A list of glob patterns that describe the files Terraform Cloud monitors for changes
--working-directory <WORKING_DIRECTORY>A relative path that Terraform will execute within
--agent-pool-id <AGENT_POOL_ID>The ID of the agent pool belonging to the workspace's organization


Create a workspace

tfct workspace create --name "my-workspace" --description "My Workspace description" --vcs-identifier "my-org/my-repo" --vcs-branch "main" --vcs-oauth-token-id "ot-id"