
Query Filters

Filters can be combined as needed. The current run order for filter logic is:

  1. Name
  2. Wildcard Name
  3. Tags
  4. Variables

Variable Filters

First let's take a look at an example variable filter setup.

name = "aws-"
wildcard_name = "*-prod"

key = "mode"
operator = "Contains"
value = "prod"

key = "status"
operator = "NotEqual"
value = "migrating"

In this example we will first have an initial name filter, fuzzy searching for workspaces with a name matching aws-. We also have a wildcard name filter, looking for workspaces with a name ending with -prod. We then add two variable filters to our query. The first filter will require that the workspace has a variable with a key of mode and a value containing the string prod. The second filter will check the variable with the key of status, should it exist, and verify that it does not exactly equal migrating. So our resulting dataset would contain only those workspaces starting the with the name aws-, containing the string prod in the mode key, and will not have a status of migrating should the key exist.

Tag Filters

Tag filter logic works very similar to variable filter logic and runs before the variable filter. Let's take a look at an example tag filter setup.


operator = "NotContains"
name = "team:"

In this example we will not set a name filter, notice how the [query] table is defined but empty. We have one tag filter set which will look at the tags for each workspace in our initial query (since we didn't set any additional filter parameters this would be the first page of workspaces containing up to 20 entries, using the default pagination settings) and will remove any workspace from the results that do not have a tag that contains team:.


Currently the available "operators" are:

  • Equals
    • A variable with the specified key must exist, and must exactly equal the specified value
    • A tag must exist with a name that exactly equals the specified value
  • NotEquals
    • Should a variable with the specified key exist it must not exactly equal the specified value
    • A tag must not exist with a name that exactly equals the specified value
  • Contains
    • A variable with the specified key must exist, and must contain the specified value
    • A tag must exist with a name that contains the specified value
  • NotContains
    • Should a variable with the specified key exist it must not contain the specified value
    • A tag must not exist with a name that contains the specified value